For supplier

Promeco is engaged in providing a full chain of services in our areas of specialized expertise. We demand our suppliers the same high standards, that we demand ourselves: high quality, traceability, respect of environmental requirements and punctuality.

E -invoicing

Ropo Capital (alias Enfo) (Operator ID: 003714377140)

Promeco Group Oy: 003721752500
Promeco Oy: 003718640129
VM-Group Oy: 003707851860

Please send your invoices to skannauspalvelu @ One invoice per email. The message subject must be: INVOICE,  P.O.Box 8179. Attachments must be in PDF form.

Invoices for Promeco S.A
Send to: invoice @
One invoice per email.

If you are unable to submit your invoices by e-mail, please use the following invoicing address. Please note that these addresses are for invoicing purposes only. Regular mail should be addressed to business unit.

Promeco Group Oy | Promeco Oy | VM-Group Oy
P.O. Box 8179

Promeco S.A.
Ul. Klimka 10
84-241 Goscicino POLAND


Nastała nowa era w produkcji wyposażenia dla kolei 

Promeco ma długą historię jako producent pewnego wyposażenia dla kolei. Gdy nasz partner przeszedł fuzję z większą światową jednostką, rozpoczął się nowy rozdział w naszej współpracy, zapewniający Promeco nowe okazje…

Intelligent air and compact circuit breakers monitor the ship’s electrical grid (EN)

Electromechanical systems and services solution provider Promeco wanted to modernize the traditional e-solutions side of the ship. WE Tech Solutions and ABB were involved in the plans from the beginning.…