Promeco units
We work to ensure our customer a comprehensive service for any electro-mechanical solution.
Production unit Pansia
production unit is divided in two production areas:
- Special Electric Products (SEP) and
- High Power Drives (HPD).
Electrical assembly SEP is specialized on low volume and high demanding assemblies. HPD is running a volume production. Scope is from engineering to commissioning, enabling customer to shop in one place saving time and resources. Pansia’s specialty is quality assurance where experience on FAT’s and classifications with marine societies is long and extensive.
Factory team includes engineering, project management, procurement and logistics to support manufacturing process. Close cooperation with Production unit Yrityspuisto factory enables compilation of electrics and mechanics under same production process.
Key facts
Location: Kankaanpää, Finland
Number of employees: 250
Surface area: 7 000 m²
Core business:
- Manufacturing of control systems
- Switchboards
- Motor control centers
- Drive systems
Application: Marine, energy and industrial use
What’s special: To reduce carbon footprint, we have a 54 kWp solar panel installation.
Pasi Vanhatalo

Production Unit Director, Kankaanpää

Mettälänkatu 91, P.O. Box 116
FI-38700 Kankaanpää, FINLAND
Tel: +358 207 595 200
Orders: order.pan (@) promeco.fi
Production unit Yrityspuisto
Yrityspuistos’s processes include laser cutting and punching, bending, machining and friction stir welding as well as robotic welding with machines. Manual processes consist of welding (MIG, TIG, spot welding) and assembly.
Lifting capacity is up to 4 tons, including 14 cranes. Friction stir welding is a special process that allows to join aluminum profiles together and thus save a lot of weight and reduce cost on cubicles for railway market, where weight saving is an essential value. On quality assurance, dimensions are verified with a 3D measuring tool. Hydraulic assemblies are leak tested with a gas detector.
Our standard material thickness ranges from 0,5 mm to 10 mm. Dominant raw material is aluminum, however, we also handle stainless steel and mild steel. In addition, copper products are manufactured for other factories.
Factory team includes engineering, project management, procurement and logistics to support manufacturing process. Close cooperation with Production unit Pansia enables compilation of electrics and mechanics under same production process.
Key facts
Location: Kankaanpää, Finland
Number of employees: 70
Surface area: 8 500 m²
Core business:
- Manufacturing of cubicles and housings for rolling stock
- Aluminum structures and other sheet metal assemblies
Application: Railway, energy and industrial use
Pasi Vanhatalo

Production Unit Director, Kankaanpää

Asemakatu 34
FI-38700 Kankaanpää, FINLAND
Tel: +358 207 595 200
Orders: order.ypu (@) promeco.fi
Production unit Vaasa
Vaasa’s production unit is located in the largest energy technology hub in the Nordic countries. Local universities, energy technology companies and municipalities work intensively together on research, product development, innovation and education sector.
Vaasa’s modern sheet metal machinery produces solutions and mechanical assemblies for demanding industrial use.
Our skilled team offers effortlessness to the customer including the following services:
- Experienced mechanical engineering
- Automatized manufacturing
- On-site installations
We can take care of demanding electromechanical turnkey solutions by using the Promeco Group knowhow and our professional network.
Key facts
Location: Vaasa, Finland
Number of employees: around 80
Surface area: 5 000 m²
Core business:
- Insulation solutions and
- Mechanical assemblies
Application: Marine, energy and industrial use
Petri Koski

Production Unit Director, Vaasa

(VM-Group Oy, VAT FI07851860)
Dynamotie 4 S, P.O. Box 227
FI-65320 Vaasa, FINLAND
Tel: +358 207 681 500
Orders: order.vaasa (@) promeco.fi
Production unit Gościcino
Gościcino’s mechanical processes include bending, welding and assembly on mechanics. On sheet metal process focus is on stainless steel products varying from 0,5 to 10 mm thickness.
Electrical assembly is for low to medium series and projects. Mechanical assembly and machine building combine mechanical and electrical processes. As end result customer gets his product in turn-key package, ready for installation.
Factory team includes sales, engineering, project management, procurement and logistics to support manufacturing process.
Promeco SP. z o.o. can comprehensively offer soft insulations for energy and marine businesses. The materials can be processed by manual technologies but also more automated laser techniques are used.
- Manufacturing of control systems
- Motor control centres
- Drive systems
Key facts
Location: Gościcino, Poland
Number of employees: 150
Surface area: 3 800 m²
Founded: May 2009
Core business: Electrical assembly unit with wide range of low-voltage cabinets in both small and mid-size production series.
Application: Cargo handling, Marine and Energy sectors
Sebastian Bryczkowski

Production Unit Director
Sebastian.Bryczkowski (@) promeco.pl

(Promeco SP. z o.o., VAT PL5882214176)
Klimka 10
PL-84-241 Gościcino, POLAND
Tel: +48 58 677 27 27
Orders: orders.pgp (@) promeco.fi
Production unit Strzebielino
Key facts
Location: Strzebielino, Poland
Number of employees: 32
Surface area: 1050 m²
Founded: June 2022
Core business: Mechanical assembly unit with wide range of production machines, in both single and small production series.
Application: Industrial Machinery sectors
Juliana Tuwima 3
PL-84-220 Strzebielino, POLAND
Tel: +48 58 677 27 27
Orders: orders.pgp (@) promeco.fi